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Giorgi Megrelishvili was born in Tbilisi, Georgia. A land of organic wine, rolling hills and polyphonic music. 


His formative years were spent under the Communist regime of the USSR. This meant long queues for basic necessities and energy scarcity. Despite the burdens this imposed, Giorgi excelled at school, earning a multitude of awards and scholarships.


Passionate about renewable energy, he received a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering, followed by a Master’s in Environmental Engineering.


Giorgi is a bona fide polyglot. He speaks five languages fluently (English, French, Spanish, Russian and his native Georgian) and reads and writes in three alphabets. He lived and studied in southern France, earning a second Master’s in Paleontology, and then emigrated to Canada, where he became a citizen in 2015.


He is a self-taught watercolor artist most inspired by nature and animals. He uses still photography to inspire his paintings.


Giorgi is married to Anita, and together they live in Montreal with their daughter Annika. 

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